You are Welcome Here!
At The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, we believe that God is doing a new thing. We are a welcoming, Christ-centered, inclusive, and joy-filled community that is learning to walk the Way of Jesus together. No matter who you are, who you love, how you identify, what your religious background is, who you vote for, what you wear, how much money you make, or even if you’ve never been to church before—you will be welcomed with open arms. We are a community of radical hospitality, inclusion, and love; and we can’t wait to meet you!
Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Worship (in-person & online)
Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM
Midweek Prayer Service
Our services are grounded in common prayer and include communion every week. Our Sunday service is full of music and singing, and we include people of all ages in our liturgy. Our Wednesday service is a much smaller gathering where we explore the lives of the saints and offer prayers of healing for ourselves and for our communities. Our 10:30 service is live streamed every week on YouTube. All are welcome!