What We Believe.
“I have come to bring life, and to bring it abundantly.”
— John 10:10
As followers of the Way of Christ:
We believe that God is a Fellowship of Three Persons; the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit —The Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of all things.
We believe that all people are made in God’s image, which means that we all have inherent dignity and worth as human beings.
We believe that Jesus is the face of God. We believe that he is “the Word of God made flesh“ and embodies God’s love for the world.
We believe that there is one Church, but that there are many expressions of the Christian faith. We believe that all Christians are united in Christ.
We believe that God offers every human being grace, forgiveness, and love, because God loves the world (John 3:16).
We believe that God’s plan is to restore all things, and that we’re invited to join God in that mission (Ephesians 1:10).
As Episcopalians, we are a people of prayer. What we pray and how we pray shapes our belief. In other words; we are a prayer-shaped people. Our only official statements of faith are the two ancient creeds of the Church; the Apostle’s and Nicene. These creeds outline the most basic tenants of the Christian faith. Other than those core beliefs, however, we celebrate a diversity of opinions. We believe that diversity reflects the Kingdom of God. Together we like to embody the motto: “In essentials unity, in nonessentials diversity, and in all things love.”
While our liturgy roots us in the ancient faith of the Church, we also welcome questions, doubts, and encourage you to wrestle with faith for yourself. Some of us come from other traditions in the Church and some of us come from no religious background at all. What unites us is our common prayer and the faith of the saints who have come before us. So when we say all are welcome—we really mean it! There are no prerequisites or boxes that you need to check before joining us, so please, come as you are. You’re exactly who we’ve been waiting for!
To read more about the faith of The Episcopal Church, visit https://www.bcponline.org/Misc/catechism.html
You can also visit www.episcopalchurch.org