What is The Episcopal Church?
The Episcopal Church (TEC) believes in a “loving, liberating, and life-giving God.” We also often describe ourselves as “the middle way” between Catholic and Protestant traditions. Originally, we come from the Church of England, but we have historical connections with The Episcopal Church of Scotland as well. In the 20th century we experienced something called “liturgical renewal,” which helped us look at some of the earliest forms of Christian worship and incorporate them into our own. Now, our Sunday services better reflect the worship of the ancient Church.
TEC is part of the worldwide Anglican communion and has congregations in several countries. We describe ourselves as a “wide tent,” which means that we’re a diverse group of people who celebrate that diversity and don’t see it as a stumbling block. Despite our broad perspectives, we’ve still managed to support the inclusion of women and LGBTQ+ clergy on a national level, as well as provide equal marriage access to non-heterosexual couples. As a denomination, we’ve also committed ourselves to the long-term work of racial reconciliation and justice, as well as the care and protection of the environment.
At Church of the Resurrection, we lean into all those things. We are an unapologetically welcoming and affirming community, as well as a community that welcomes people from all religious backgrounds. We are a “seeker-friendly” church, as well as a refuge for those who have been burned out or wounded by other Christian traditions. Our worship services are categorized by three things: joy, simplicity, and reverence. We have communion every week and we love singing hymns and spirituals together.
No matter who you are, where you come from, whom you love, what pronouns you use, or what your experience with church is—you are truly welcome here. This is a Church for all people.
If you’d like to learn more about The Episcopal Church, you can visit www.episcopalchurch.org to find videos and other relevant reformation. If you’d like to learn more about or community you can email the church at resurrectionky@outlook.com or join us for worship! We look forward to getting to know you and hearing more about where God has been moving in your life.
See you soon!