How We Worship
The work of the people.
The Episcopal Church is often described as “the middle way” between Catholic and Protestant forms of Christianity. That’s especially true in how we worship! Our main Sunday service is called Holy Eucharist, which comes from the Greek word for thanksgiving. What that means is that the heart of our worship is gratitude; gratitude for all that God has given us, and gratitude for the chance to be in fellowship together.
In The Episcopal Church we also worship using liturgy, which we call “the work of the people.” Everyone participates on Sundays — not just the clergy. Together we sing hymns, offer prayers, ask God for forgiveness, receive the sacrament of communion, and joyfully go out to love and serve the world. We do all this by following a pattern of common prayer that reflects the shape of the ancient Church, but that also takes a relevant and meaningful form for our lives today.
At Church of the Resurrection, we are also a “come as you are” kind of community. We believe in cultivating a warm and inviting atmosphere where all our welcome, regardless of your experience with The Episcopal Church or with Christianity in general.
Please, always feel free to reach out and ask questions. The best way to learn about how we worship, however, is to come and join us on Sunday! You can also click the “watch live” button and see our most recent service live-streamed on YouTube.