Children & Youth Formation
At Church of the Resurrection, the formation of our children and youth is incredibly important to us. We include them in everything we do, and we also have unique opportunities for them to get connected and to serve.
Sunday School & Children’s Chapel
For Sunday school, we divide them into two groups: kids (ages 3-11) and youth (ages 11+). We also have “children’s chapel” for a portion of our Sunday service, where the younger kids go downstairs and have their own formation opportunities. They re-gather with us for the part of the service that has communion so we can all be together!
Sunday school for both age groups runs through the school year and happens at 9:30 AM, so parents can attend adult formation. We are a safe and affirming space for all children youth, and we welcome and celebrate those who are members of the LGBTQ+ community.
The Deep Blue Kids Bible is the companion to our kid’s formation curriculum. DBK was created by the translators of the Common English Bible in partnership with the United Methodist Church and other mainline traditions. It’s a simple, accurate, and easy to read translation for children and adults. It also focuses on inclusivity, creation care, and justice.
Right now, we follow the “Celebrate Wonder” curriculum on Sundays that accompanies the Deep Blue Kids Bible. It encourages our young ones to cultivate a biblical imagination as they engage with stories, play, and prayer.
For more about the Deep Blue Kid’s Bible and the Common English Bible, and to learn about the curriculums that go with it, click the picture!